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美劇【天龍特攻隊 第一季】【英語繁中字】3碟

  • 分類:劇 集>歐美電視劇
  • 語言:英語
  • 字幕:中文
  • 地區:歐美
  • 介質:DVD9
  • 集數:全集
  • 碟數:3
  • 支持貨到付款
  • 滿2000元免運費
  • 7天鑑賞期保障

美劇【天龍特攻隊 第一季】【英語繁中字】3碟

本片是清晰畫質彩盤普通盒裝 沒有精美封面包裝 歡迎訂購
又名: 通天奇兵 / A字特攻隊 / 天龍特攻隊
 At the end of their stint in Viet Nam, Col. John "Hannibal" Smith and his team were framed for robbing the Bank of Hanoi (which they had done, but under orders), and sent to a US military prison. They escaped and went on the run, pursued first by Col. Lynch and later by Col. Decker. While on the lam, they became heroes for hire, working as good-guy vigilantes around the US or the world. Hannibal was their leader and an expert at disguises. Face was the team's con artist and lady's man. BA (officially "Bad Attitude") was their mechanic, but also took care of mayhem and intimidation. The final member of the Team, "Howling Mad" Murdock, was an expert pilot, and a certified lunatic--they broke him out of a mental hospital whenever they needed him for a mission.


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