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數字小精靈 Numberjacks 第1季45集 9DVD

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數字小精靈 Numberjacks 第1季45集 9DVD

Numberjacks 是英國BBC電視臺制作的動畫節目,CBEEBIES系列乃最受歡迎的節目之一。數字小精靈在英國CBBC播放時,贏得極高收視率,定期收視觀眾達到45萬人,DVD銷售達到17.5萬張,節目衍生雜誌銷量也極佳。該節目的國際市場發行商Beyond Distribution,已將其發行到全球45個國家地區。此影片透過通俗的喜劇及英雄式的畫面刺激,令幼兒能掌握對數字的認識、數學的技巧及同時發展其思考性。


Open Mind制作公司的創意總監說:"我們非常高興能夠繼續為CBBC延續這檔節目,與之暢想數字小精靈 的未來遠景,我們深為驕傲。數字小精靈是一檔成功的節目,它帶給孩子們快樂的同時,能啟蒙他們對數學的了解。"


01. The Trouble With Nothing
02. Going Wrong, Going Long
03. Sphere Today, Gone Tomorrow
04. In, Out, Shake It All About
05. One More Time
06. Forward Thinking
07. Seven Wonders
08. Getting Heavy
09. Belongings
10. 4 He's A Jolly Good Fellow
11. Boxing Day
12. Out Of Order
13. Nine Lives
14. Takeaway
15. The Cuck-cuck-cuck-oo-oo-oo Bird
16. Stop And Go
17. Off Colour
18. A Game Of Two Halves
19. Out For The Count
20. The Container Drainer
21. Tens Moment
22. 3 Things Good
23. Say What You Mean
24. One Won
25. Tricky Sixes
26. May The Fours Be With You
27. Best Estimate
28. On And Off
29. Zero The Hero
30. Bad Circles
31. Famous Fives
32. Fair Shares
33. Being 3
34. Into The Teens
35. Slide And Turn
36. Six Of One
37. Time Trouble
38. 1, 2, 3 Go
39. More 4
40. Almost Human
41. Two Four Six Eight
42. Round And Round
43. Square Dancing
44. Data Day
45. How What Check!


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